
So the cop gets obsessed
with figuring out her identity...

...and in the process
falls in love with her.

Even though he's never even met her.
She becomes like....

Like the unattainable.
Like the Holy Grail.

-lt's a little obvious, don't you think?
-Okay, but here's the twist.

We find out that the killer...
...really suffers from
multiple personality disorder. Right?

See, he's actually really the cop
and the girl.

All of them are him.
lsn't that fucked up?

The only idea more overused than
serial killers is multiple personality.

On top of that, you explore
the notion...

...that cop and criminal are
really two aspects of the same person.

See every cop movie ever made
for other examples of this.

Mom called it psychologically taut.
The other thing is, there's no way
to write this. Did you consider that?

l mean, how could you have somebody
held prisoner in a basement...

...and working in a police station
at the same time?

-Trick photography.
-Okay, that's not what l'm asking.

Listen closely.
What l'm asking is:

ln the reality of this movie, where
there's only one character, right?

How could you...?
What exactly would...?
l agree with Mom. Very taut.
Sybil meets, l don't know....
"D"ressed to Kill.

Cool. l really liked "D"ressed to Kill.
-Until the third act denouement.
-That's not how it's pronounced.

Sorry. l--
Okay, sorry.

-Some key lime pie for you today?
-Okay, yeah. That sounds great.

l'll cut you an extra-large slice.
Preferred customer.

-Thank you. That's really sweet of you.
-Well, l'm just a sweetie, ain't l?

-Still reading about orchids, l hope?
-Yes, l am.

This friend of mine
has this little, tiny pink one...

...that grows on a tree branch
just like that.

-l can't remember--
-That's called an epiphyte.
