Yet here I am.
And there's Laroche.
There's Orlean.
And there's the ghost orchid.
All trapped in our own bodies...
... in moments in history.
That's it.
That's what I need to do.
Tie all of history together.
Start right before
life begins on the planet.
All is...
And then, like, life begins...
...with organisms.
Those little single-cell ones.
And it's before sex, because,
like, everything was asexual.
From there we go to bigger things.
Then that fish that got legs
and crawled out on the land.
And then we see,
you know, like, dinosaurs.
And then they're around for a long time.
Then an asteroid comes and:
--the insects, the mammals,
the primates, monk eys.
The simple monk eys. Old-fashioned
monk eys giving way to the new ones.
Whatever. And then apes.
Whatever. And man.
Then we see the whole history of
human civilization.: hunting, war, love...
...heartache, disease,
loneliness, technology.
And we end with Susan Orlean
in her office at The New Yorker...
... writing about flowers, and bang!
The movie begins.
This is the breakthrough I've been
hoping for. It's never been done.
McKee is a genius!
And hilarious. He just comes up with all
these great jokes, and everybody laughs.
But he's serious too, Charles.
You'd love him.
He's all for originality, just like you.
But he says we have to realize
that we all write in a genre...
...and we must find our originality
within that genre.
There hasn't been a new genre since
Fellini invented the mockumentary.
My genre's thriller. What's yours?
You and l share the same DNA.
ls there anything more lonely than that?
What'd you say, bro?
Hey, Susie-Q.
What you up to?