... is that it whittles the world down...
... to a more manageable size.
Such sweet, sad insights.
So true.
l like looking at you.
I lik e looking at you too, Charlie.
l don't know how to do this.
l'm afraid l'll disappoint you.
You've written a beautiful book.
l can't sleep.
l'm losing my hair.
l'm fat and repulsive.
Shh. You're not. You're not.
Just whittle it down, you know?
Focus on one thing in the story.
Find that one thing...
... that you care passionately about...
...and then write about that.
We see Susan Orlean:
delicate, haunted by loneliness...
...fragile, beautiful.
She lies awake next to her sleeping,
insensitive husband.
Her voice-over begins:
'' l suppose l do
have one unembarrassed passion.