that abducted Marshall to a safe house outside London.
By the time they got there,
it was abandoned. It was wired with four pounds of C-4.
Never had a chance. And it gets worse.
In light of the tragedy, the director
has ordered a hlt in the search.
So for the moment, Marshall's on his own.
You think maybe he could point
that somewhere else? All right.
Nevermind. It's not.. it's, um...
You know, Syd's sleeping off a
nother business trip.
Yeah. Dublin, l think.
Two more, l set a world record.
Will, l'm serious. Last week it was
Buenos Aires, before it was Tokyo.
I mean, it never ends.
Francie, you know how much
that used to bug me, right? I mean,
I complained about it constantly.
But her job, you know, what she does,
it's important to her.
I don't care, l'm still worried about her.
Ever since Danny died, all she does is work.
Oh, but now there's this new guy.
You should have heard her talk about him.
She sounded so happy.
She... told you about a guy?
Yeah. Somebody from work.
Michael something. You know him?
No, of course not, 'cause the jerks
at the bank where she slaves won't
Iet them date because it's against the rules.
So they're not dating?
No. No, he's actually dating somebody else.
She's just pining. Oh, you know what,
the mailman left this for you.
Guess there's a package for you at
the post office.