origin lP. How can someone be smart
enough to hack in here and forget to cover their tracks?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What-what's
going on? What?
We have a firewall. You broke through it.
I want to know why!
I was just trying to download an mp3
off of Audiogalaxy. Look, am mp3.
You know, a music file? This,
I am seventy-five per cent done with,
I just thought the rest of it would go a
Iot faster with some tunes.
I'm just going to show you the mp3.
You like Sammy Hagar?
I'll, uh, go back to the program.
Come with me.
Marshall's in Mexico City?
He signaled us through the computer.
We traced him through the lP address he used.
Huh, uh, okay, l'll notify the extraction
team at once.
We'd like your permission to conduct
the operation ourselves.
Yes, of course.
Are you making any progress here?
Like Echelon, Swarm has access points.
If l can locate the directory we will
know if there are any accessable points.
That way we could keep SD-6 and Cuvee
off the system.
I'd like a coffee please.
Cream or sugar?
Thank you.