for some shit like this.
Come on, come on!
Let me get out. Y'all
smell just like Geritol.
Could y'all move?!
You're still talkin' shit,
Y'all gonna get me
fuckin' locked up!
Come on, over here.
How was that, Reggie?
Y'all put a little bit
too much on it that time.
The next time, just cut back
on the bullshit talk.
That way, the scam'll
go smoother.
You know I know.
I'm a thief.
Bless you, Reggie.
Thank you so much!
Our check didn't come, and we
needed a few extra things.
That's OK. I love you,
Ms. Steinberg.
What are them for?
These are for when
I need to get my freak on!
Watch yourself!
Shake it fast!
Watch yourself!
Show me what you're
workin' with!
I said, show me what
you're working with!
I said--there go
the police. Run.
-Oh, run!
-Come on, baby.
Don't you run from me!
Move! Move it!