-Kettle's just boiled.
-l ain't on my break.
l can't remember the last time
l was in bed by 10:00.
About 1950, l should think.
1 :00, me...if l'm lucky.
Half-3:00, sometimes.
And half an hour later
l'm pacing about.
Then l try again.
Wake up sweating...
or freezing.
Make meself a cup of tea.
Drop off in the chair.
l'd give a year's wages
for a good night's sleep.
l'll bet you'll be up late
tonight, though...
with your boyfriend?
Saturday night.
l ain't got a boyfriend.
You know that.
What do you drink, lager?
Couple of pints will do me.
Fish 'n' chips.
Saturday night.
What are you doing?
What does it look
like l'm doing?
l don't know.
That's why l'm asking you.
l ain't allowed
to touch you no more?
l ain't saying that.
Get off.
-Give us some of that.
-You got your own there.