- Not here.
- It is unimaginable!
They are not expelled
like we thought but exterminated.
- What?
- Exterminated!
I return from the camps of Poland.
They exterminate the Jews.
Most robust
are sent to the forced labour.
Women and children...
are gazés.
I saw it my eyes.
The Church must alert the Christians!
The first thing to be made
is to leave the S.S.!
I saw what should not be it.
A witness is needed.
I will be the eyes of God
in this hell.
That can be terrible
for you and your family.
One must denounce the assassins!
I will testify with the service to today.
We can start.
We arrive.
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to react,
but in a reflected, responsible way.
The Dibelius superintendent
can advise you.
It celebrated your marriage, not?
Leave the S.S.
Remain far from all that!
We said...
you said that the Jews are
a foreign body that one must expel,
that one can discriminate them
but not to persecute them.
Let us admit the massive executions.
- What do you suggest?
- To protest!
Protest which will be taken again
by the propaganda of the enemy.
Us will be shown treason.
We are in war.
The Church reacted
against the extermination of handicapped...
00:26:41,417 --> 00:26:43,772
Euthanasy, not extermination.
The public clamour
the euthanasy stopped.
Let us protest for the Jews.
The handicapped people were
baptized members of our Church.
You are soldier,
far from daily realities.