Our people are bombarded,
in prey with cruel deprivations.
Majority of our faithful
and of our pastors
support Mr Hitler.
Nobody will protest,
nobody will believe you.
Führer and Himmler
also attended a test.
Order to accelerate the output.
The Institute sends to me in the east
to purify water...
I cannot take part in that.
That is not contradictory,
our installations are in the east.
Von Rotta, Hoess and yourself
had accepted the plans.
I speak about output.
I had announced the risk
of thermal distortion which...
Brought into service on March 22,
25, after having treated
a convoy of 3000 units,
Ies furnaces burst by overheating!
- You drew on the costs.
- labour is free!
Use the model of countryside.
It should unceasingly be clogged
and the tar is rationed.
Lieutenant Gerstein,
expert in destruction of vermin...
in any kind.
One needs you.
I am not qualified
for this type of operation.
According to its superiors,
Gerstein excels
where it is not qualified.
Not so sure...
Here a new generation