Which cubage?
1250 m3 on average.
With a pulsor of air of 1 CV,
you will gain one hour.
We will put two of them.
Turn over to your work
of cleansing
without forgetting your mission
Christian woman of public utility.
- the Nuncio does not receive!
- 5 mn! It is very significant.
Its Eminence does not see anybody.
Announce to me!
it is necessary that I speak to you.
- I must speak to you.
- What do you make here?
Lt Kurt Gerstein, Excellence.
I have information for the Vatican.
Its gravity justifies my intrusion.
I am shocked by your intrusion!
I call the police force.
If my superiors learn my visit...
It is an effraction, Mister.
I have a message for the Vatican.
I arrive from Poland,
camps of Auschwitz and Belzec.
Thousands of Jews are gazés.
Leave from here! Come, Count,
we cannot listen to that!
I saw all of my own eyes,
convoys of all Europe
arrive in these factories of death.
Only the Vatican
can stop these atrocities.
Only the Pope, while alerting
the world opinion and Christians...
Thank you to trouble you
action of Its Holiness!
Catholic Etes you?