On the way, we will chatter.
You are only
with which that is worth still the sorrow...
to chatter.
Why only?
Our colleagues
have an intelligence technician
but it is is the boasting ones,
maybe of the drunkards,
maybe of degenerated.
Often, three at the same time.
Your children
make natural science?
They are too young.
I have a splendid specimen
of cranium judéo-Bolshevik.
A cranium?
There is no age to be informed.
I will show them.
For the anniversary of Darwin,
pure Swiss chocolate...
One did not have...
To give pleasure is my pleasure.
Let us see...
The man goes down from the monkey,
but the Negro and the Jew
stopped with middle height.
Not thank you.
Control better
your facial muscles.
In the S.S. as with the poker,
combined and adversaries
do not have to read your thoughts
or your play.
You read my thoughts?
As an opened book,
this is why I appreciate you.
What a treasure you have there!
Take great care.
At the day after tomorrow morning.
6h30 precise.
I delighted in advance!