This idiot turns in round.
I awoke it.
Reich needs
men like us.
Men who know
to subject their conscience,
like these rough décervelées
who feel higher
because one them known as Aryan.
It is splendid! Splendid!
A Raphaël truth!
The press is interested in your father!
The Pope dedicated the world
in the immaculate heart of the Virgin Mary
to restore peace.
It is a significant celebration.
And I must present it.
Still a celebration...
You have the tended air.
Does the Nuncio send to you on mission?
I came from my own initiative.
Of your own initiative!
The Jews are exterminated
countries occupied by Germany.
We will finish tomorrow.
Leave us.
Leave us!
I came to inform the Holy Father of it.
It does not need you
to get information.
If it were it,
it would have banished these atrocities.
Change tone!
Its Eminence, the cardinal...
Make enter it.
- It can see you here?
- Yes.
Of my garden.
Thank you. They are ravissantes.
Riccardo, my boy,
you are superb!
- How is abominable Mr. Hitler?
- Always abominable.
And our American friend?
I await it, Eminence.