Analyze That

...but we're talking about an lQ
just north of a bedroom slipper.

So if he is truly...
...catatonic, if l stuck him
with this needle....

-This is just plain saline, isn't it?

Yeah. Then he shouldn't
feel a thing. Right?

That's gotta hurt.
No reaction at all.
l want to do some
neuropsychological testing, okay?

Paul, l'm gonna give you some tests
to assess your mental condition, okay?

Now, do l have your consent
to share the results of the tests?

Mommy is mad at me
because l made a boom on the rug.

-l'm gonna take that as a yes.

Paul, l have 1 0 cards, each with
a picture of an inkblot on it, okay?

Here's the first card.
Now look at it,
and tell me what you see.

l see a bat.
A bat or a weasel.
-A bat or a weasel?

Bat. Bat-weasel.
Do you see anything else?
Just a pussy with teeth.
-Pussy with teeth.

Next card.
Excellent, Paul.
One hour and 1 2 minutes.
l want you to take a look at this
picture and tell me what's happening.

l think we got a picture of a guy,
nice, hardworking fella.

Comes home, sees his wife
is in bed with a midget...
