Analyze That

-Maybe.... l was a kid, you know?

Little kid.
-Tell me.
-l wanted to be a cowboy.

-A cowboy, really?
-Would you believe that?

Well, that's interesting.
How did that start?
l was watching television
with my mother, father.

You know, we watched
those cowboy shows.

And my--
My father got me the whole outfit.
He got me a 1 0-gallon white hat...
...the boots, the spurs, the cap guns...
...the whole bit.
Then he took me upstate to my uncle's farm
and led me around on this little pony.

And there was cows and all that stuff.
lt was like, to me, the Wild West.

And it was all ''yippee kai-ay''
and all that stuff. You happy now?

So, what happened?
-l don't know. What happened?
-Why didn't you try to be a cowboy?

l was in East Harlem. l joined a street gang
when l was 1 2 years old.

''Why didn't l become a cowboy?''
Something else happened when you
were 1 2 that was very difficult for you.

That's when your father was murdered.
Yeah, l think about it every day.
-What's that got to do with anything?
-lt has a lot to do with things.

lt's very interesting because your father
was the one who got you the white hat.

He was in the Mob,
but yet he wanted you to be a hero.

Yeah, he did.
Your father wanted you to have
a better life than he did.

He did, yeah.
He wanted me to go to college.
l didn't even go to high school, hardly.

That's because he had died
and he wasn't around to guide you.

See, Paul, before, you said,
''l'm Paul Vitti, the boss'' ...

...but when l look at you,
l see Paul Vitti the 1 2-year-old kid...

...who's scared and confused
with a lot of hard choices to make.
