Analyze That

-Mr. Torre. Mr. Torre. Let him through.
-Hey, Paul. Glad you're out.

-How are you? My son Michael.
-Hey, Michael, nice to meet you.

-l wanted to ask you something.

You think the Yankees
are gonna go all the way?

-We'll do our best.
-lt would be very important to me personally.

Very important.
-l'll talk to the team.

-Go eat.
-Joe, good to see you.

-Welcome back.
-Thank you, Charlie.

Hey, Paul.
-Hey, Joey.
-How are you? l heard you was out.

-Yeah, well, you know--
-The table for six isn't ready.

l'm gonna take the four now.
When Mr. Arnold comes in
bring him right back.

So, what are you doing?
You working here?

You know, l'm on parole.
l gotta be a good boy, you know?

l got a piece of the joint.
So, what am l going to do? l gotta....

l get it. We're gonna
have a drink at the bar.

-All right, okay. l'll see you, Joe.
-Nice to meet you.

Big smiles, everybody.
Thanks, Paul. Appreciate it.
Hey, can you get us a Pelligrino,
round of drinks...

...and more bread
when you get a chance? Thanks.

-You want more bread?
-Yeah. Bread.

There you go.
l'll get your drinks now.
This stone is supposed to be a G color.
lt looks a little yellow, doesn't it?

That's the fluorescent light.
lt makes everything look yellow.
No, l thought fluorescent light
makes everything look blue.

What am l, Edison? That's a fuck-- lt's the
fluorescent light doing that. That's a G.

Well, maybe.
Look from that angle.
What do you think?
l don't--
l don't know.
-lt's a little....

Could we look at it with a lens?
That might help us out.
