ls there anything else that you would need?
l'd like one of those trailers
like the stars got.
Done! Done! l am gonna go
put that in the works right now.
-Hey, Paul. You really gonna do this?
-Yeah, l'm really gonna do this.
Are you out of your fucking mind?
l'm going nuts already with this job thing.
ln a week, l'll fucking kill
this Raoul or l'll kill myself.
This is just a good cover till l figure out
what l'm gonna do. But call the guys.
-You know, there's a line here.
-Yeah, it's in back of me.
Take the chicken and the two pastas.
You must be a teamster.
Youse don't stop eating.
''Tell me why l'd give a shit
about your wife's cousin?''
-No, no good.
-lt's not good?
What about this line? ''Stevie Wonder
sees more shit than you do!''
-No. Never.
-lt's not good?
''How much does the chosen snitch
want for this?''
-lt's no good.
-No good.
That's it. That's....
That's the end of the scene.
-There's no dialogue in the scene.
-You're better off.