So, what happened?
How'd it go?
Same old, same old.
I got busted...
but now I gotta go
to the psych clinic.
You gotta go
to the nut house?
Farmer, shut up, man.
Give it up
to the shrink? Damn.
See you next week.
Seaman Fisher.
Right this way.
I understand it's not
your first time here.
You saw Dr. Williams?
Nah, he saw me.
That's your wife?
Have a seat.
I understand
you like to fight.
It's the only way
some people learn.
Hmm. But you pay the price
for teaching them.
You want to talk
about it?
About what?
bothering you.
Why does something
gotta be bothering me?
What, because I jumped
on a white boy?
Something must be
wrong with me?
''Send him to
the psychiatrist.
Nigger try to kill
his master.''
''He must be crazy.''
You looking for
a discharge, Fisher?
I ain't looking
for nothing.
That's where
you're headed.
If I want
out of the navy...
I'll just leave.
Unauthorized absence?
Yeah, if that's what
the navy calls it.
Hmm. Running away
how you handle your problems?
I don't have
no problems.
Hmm. Where you from,