Reverend Tate...
he didn't like
Dwight at all.
He said he had
too much pride.
So he tried to
beat it out of him.
Sometimes, he would even
try to beat him to death.
Did he beat you?
No, sir.
I think he pitied me.
And I liked him
for it...
but I was
ashamed of him.
What about Mrs. Tate?
What about her?
I don't know which one
of you no-good rotten...
hardheaded niggers put your
dirty hands on my walls...
but I bet I'll get
the right one.
I took you in...
when your no-account mammies
threw you away...
and this is
the thanks I get?
You ungrateful niggers.
Hmph. Now I know
I got the right one.
She used to brag about...
beating me unconscious.
She'd threaten
to do it again.
But she never did.
Why do you think
she never did?