Said something about y'all
going to the picture show.
Now, that's
the devil's work...
and who told you
you could go...
to the picture show,
I mean, where you get
the money, nigger?
Did you steal it?
I already told you.
I've been raking lawns.
you woulda stole it.
Give me the money.
I said gimme the money.
You don't know what to do
with no money nohow.
That's why I never
let you have none.
Why you always got
to make things...
difficult for me?
Where you learnin'
such fancy words at?
Ain't no fancy word.
Don't sassy me, boy.
No one's
sassing you.
Don't sassy me!
Ain't no one
sassing you!
Don't you--
I ain't gonna let you
beat me no more!
No more!
Lord Jesus.
I want you out
of my house.
And who you think
gonna take you in, huh?
Retarded nigger,
don't nobody want you.
Your damn mammy
didn't even want you.
Gimme my shoe. Hmpf!.
Must've felt pretty good...
when you took
that shoe from her.
Yeah, I felt
like I was gonna go...
right upside
her head...
but I just chilled.
Why'd you chill?
I don't know.
Well, I'm glad you did.
How'd you feel?
I felt like
I won a prize...
but it scared me.
It was the first time
I ever felt...
more powerful than her.
It was like a surprise.
Whatever happened
We lost touch.
You know how it is.
It might be helpful
to understand the mentality...
of people
like the Tates.
It's called
The Slave Community.
Why I gotta understand
somebody beatin' on me?
What you went through...
was in part the result
of the treatment...