
The more oppression you...
- Oppression?
He loves when l'm there.
- The more you bring this heavy
cloud into our apartment,

the more he believes
that the way we live is wrong.

- Now, I have never
told him that.

- You don't need to.
He can feel your disgust.

- Philip...
- And where did he get that...
Ali doesn't believe in God?

- He asked me why your friend
doesn't say grace with us...

- My friend.
- I told him he had his own God.

And that's true.
Philip, l'm...
l'm trying really hard to...
accept all this. I really am.

- Dad...
you're retiring soon.
You're gonna have a lot
of time on your hands.

Either you make an effort
to change your attitude,

or you're not... welcome
at our place anymore.

- Where you coming from?
- Turkey.
- Can you open this?
What are these?
- It's film.
It's motion-picture film.

It's for a movie.
I have, uh...
