- That's a cut.
- Okay, everybody.
- Everything you see here is
based on what my mother told me.
What is it?
- You wouldn't be able to see
Mount Ararat from Van.
- Well, yes, but I thought
it would be important.
- But it's not true.
- It's true in spirit.
- See what you can do, okay?
And let me know.
Okay, I gotta go.
Yeah, I gotta get off.
Okay, l'II talk to you later.
Okay, bye.
Sorry, I had a call.
- Rouben, Ani's confused
about the mountain, Ararat.
She has noticed quite correctly
that it would not be seen
from Van.
- Well, we thought
we could stretch things a bit.
I mean, it's such
an identifiable symbol
and given the moment in history
that we're trying to show,
l just...
- So it's something
you could justify?
- Sure. Poetic license.
- Where do you get those?
- Wherever you can.
- So that's my job?
To let you feel better
about distorting things?
- The young boy in our film
gets sent by Ussher
to deliver a letter.
He gets caught by the Turks.
- That's the character
we'd make into Gorky.
- How would you do that?
- Okay. By April 1915,
the Turks have completely
surrounded the Armenian quarter.
Within the quarter,
inside these fortified walls,
the American mission, run by
a Dr. Clarence Ussher. Okay?
Outside, a few hundred men
armed with ancient guns
are surrounded
by well-armed troops
with the latest
in European artillery.
through their ingenuity,
or their teamwork,
they're able to hold
the Armenian position,
but they're completely isolated.
They're cut off
from the outside world.