a way of admitting guilt.
- Oh, I see.
The idea being since Gorky
committed suicide,
her father's must have as well.
- It's easy to make fun of her.
- Not as easy as you think.
she wants her father's' death to
be more meaningful that it was.
It gives her a cause.
- We all know how dangerous
those can be.
- She has no right
to compare it to a man.
Your father died
for something he believed in.
- L just wish I had some idea
of what that was.
- This film was shot in Toronto
almost a year ago.
- Yeah, that's right.
- And now you're coming back
from Turkey
with these cans of footage?
Well, this tells me
you worked on this film
as a production assistant
and driver.
This is a letter
of recommendation
for future employment.
It doesn't explain
why you're returning
from Turkey months later.
- There was some stuff
they wanted to add in Turkey.
They added a character.
- Well, the director.
And the writer. And my mom.
- Your mom?