- Now I need permission to put
50 soldiers with supplies
in your mission compound.
- Why?
- Well, to protect you,
of course.
- We're underthe protection
of the United States of America.
- The United States of America.
They're so far away.
- It won't be safe to send
so many Turkish soldiers
into the heart
of the Armenian quarter.
It's bound to cause trouble.
What danger are you trying
to protect us from?
- Lf you have a problem
with taking my soldiers,
you must sign this statement
that you refuse the protection
of the Turkish government.
[Raffi]: Lf Ussher
signed the document,
it would be like giving
the Turks permission
to slaughter the Americans
in the compound.
The same way
that they were massacring
the Armenians outside.
- You've lost me.
- Well, it was the same document
that he'd presented to the boy.
If the United States government
ever made an inquiry
into the incident,
that statement,
the document the Turks
wanted Ussherto sign,
would affirm that the Americans
were offered protection