- No, not really.
- I mean, why didn't you explain
to him that we were citizens,
we were Turkish citizens.
We had a right to be protected.
- Are you driving him home?
- Yeah.
- Huh. Take this.
Buy him a bottle of champagne.
Let him think
that he has done something...
- Something special.
- L'm sorry, Mr. Saroyan,
I don't think I understand.
- Young man, do you know
what still causes...
so much pain?
It's not the people we lost,
orthe land.
It's to know
that we could be so hated.
Who are these people,
who could hate us so much?
How can they still deny
their hatred?
And so hate us...
hate us even more?
- That was a good scene.
- Thanks.