because the fueI stung his eyes.
The others asked me
what I was doing.
I quickIy poured gasoIine
onto the others.
Then I went over to Martina,
the oIdest.
She was at the far end.
I got nervous
because I heard
the nuns arriving...
So I just did it.
Hans Wyss has been arrested for
burning 7 people alive.
Among them, women and children.
He set fire to the
''Mission of the Divine Redeemer''
near Coban.
Suffering from serious burns,
he is now being treated here
at the regionaI hospitaI
in AIta Verapaz.
His entry into prison is impending.
We now know
that the name Hans Wyss
conceaIed the identity of
Aro ToIbukhin,
a native of CégIed, Hungary.
Since 1 958, he worked as
a merchant marine.
After 1 6 years, he came ashore
here in Puerto Barrios.
Over on that hiII,
among those trees...
That's where they found him.
Hans arrived just after the quake.
Many peopIe were injured,
without a home,
Iost, and wandering around
the countryside.
They came how they could,
all asking for help.
We had huge problems
trying to tend to them all.
They arrived
in terrible shape.
We had neither sufficient manpower
or facilities.