Aro Tolbukhin. En la mente del asesino

That's how we baptized him.
He was a delicate child,
often sick.
He slept in the dormitory
with the other children.
But his crying was a problem.
He kept the others awake.
So Aro started taking him
to his room
to put him to sleep.
After a while,
I also started going there

to spend time with them
when I finished work.
-Good night, RauI.
-God bIess you, Sister.

People started talking,
saying that it wasn't right.
That I spent
so much time with them,

in his room with the chiId.
That wasn't Iooked upon weII.
When I Iearned of those rumors
I stopped doing it.
I wondered
whether those rumors

were founded or not.
