You know what I mean?
He took care of her,
fed her.
We were raised by a nanny.
She came to breast feed us
and then stayed on.
She taught us to pray.
The chiIdren were aImost identicaI,
apart from their voices.
She had a beautifuI voice.
She started to pIay the piano
at a very young age.
But Aro's voice wasn't cIear.
He began to sing and
pIay the piano much Iater.
He had been born with
one finger missing.
Didn't your mother
take care of you?
She was aIways in her room.
My father kept it Iocked.
Didn't you ever see her?
in photos, yes.
We sent her notes.
She answered in Ietters
that father read to us.
Sometimes we heard her
pIaying the piano.
In her room,
aImost aIways the same song.