Up north.
He lives up north.
Go, go Cannabis.
The year is 50 B.C.
Gaul is entirely occupied
by the Romans. Well, not entirely...
One small village of invincible Gauls still
holds out against the invaders.
And life is not easy for the Roman legionaries
who garrison the fortified camps of
Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum
and Compendium...
En garde, Gaul. Defend yourself!
One moment please.
What was that?
- Are you new here?
Yes, we've just been transferred.
I understand.
This potion is a magic potion...
...made by our druid
and it makes us stronger.
Getamanix! Getamenixme!
What kind of country is this?
Incredible, it's minus 8000 degrees here.
I don't have to drink it,
I fell in when I was a little boy.
It gives me extraordinary power.
Nice, huh?
Good day.
Where's the Gallic village.
If you follow them
you'll get there
I'm not going with you, ok? I'm staying here.
I'm going to think a little.
Those Romans are good,
they fly better than the others.