Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre

Such a smart dog. My baby.
How nice.
He wanted to be with me.

He got in there himself.
- We were just saying...

...three months is a little short.
Artifis is a real hyena.
Do you know hyenas? Just the same.
He wants me dead and he has many talents.
Like what?
- No, he's rich.

He's got many golden talents.
The Egyptian coin.

In Gaul not the ones with most
talents are the richest.

Do we have to fear anything else?
- No, nothing.

Red Beard! Red Beard!
Men, last time we weren't
very lucky meeting those Gauls...

...with their magic potion,
and that big dog.

Completely outnumbered we
had no other option than to...

Run away.
No, not really.
We had to abandon ship
as soon as possible.

Swimming in that ice-cold water.
- No, it was nice.

It was ice cold.
- Fine.

To prevent further trouble,
we'll avoid the Gauls.

But for any others, no pity!
Ship at starboard!
Ready to board, daddy.
Raise the oars.

Calm down, my girl.
Besides you're not making any sense.
That's what I thought.
How many ships, Boy?
Just one, Captain, a small one.
Egyptian, Captain.
- Egyptian. Sounds good.

This will get us back on track.
- "Ipso facto et manu militari".

