Is there an axe here? Watch out. Pardon me.
Calm down there.
- What are they doing?
- It's not fair.
Good. Sink it yourselves.
They know who we are.
They're old friends.
We've met them many times at sea before.
You see,
"Abyssus abyssum invocat."
Enough of those
Latin proverbs.
What's that at the horizon?
The lights of Alexandria.
Let the butterflies of my youth strand.
I don't know why I just said that.
I'm hungry.
- We'll be there in the morning.
That's the tower of Pharos,
a beacon for ships.
A beacon for ships.
Egyptians are mad.
It's one of the seven wonders of the world.
The biggest construction ever made by man.
I'm hungrier than a barracuda.