Austin Powers in Goldmember

Hello son.
I'm here to rescue you.
Come quickly
Why don't you rescue me
in about 7, 8 minutes.

Knock it off.
I don't want to see my dad on the job.
come on let's go.

I'm sorry.
What's wrong with your neck?
What a stiff neck I have.
Listen dad, if you are gonna
talk naughty things

in front of these American girls.
At least speak english, english.
Alrightmy son.
I was about to make love
to this pretty girl

Is this true?
If you were aroused,
why didn't you pleasure yourself?

What alone?
Remember Christmas dinner
with the Scottish girl.

The insane one?
She was the wife of the dancer
who lived upstairs.

A lawyer who became a
policeman in a truck...

????????????...Tea kettle!
Shat on a turtle!
That was a good time.
Welcome to 1975, Austin Powers.
Excuse me I have to change,
the bogey sweater made me sweaty

You see Mr Powers.
I love golds.
The looks of it,
the smell of it, the texture...

I love gold so much...
I lost my virginity in
an accident.
