
Lucia, how are you?
What happened?
She's pale, tense.

You left so quickly
last night,

but made quite
an impact on the men.

They are all crazy
over you.

One of them is just
what you are looking for.

What do you say?
Can I make a date?

I told you I don't
like blind dates.

He will be waiting for you
at 9 p.m. at AI Mansur.

You'll love him.
He'll be wearing a yellow shirt.

Don't forget. Men only
of sex on the first date.

On the 1 0th date, too,
but then at least he'll be
thinking of sex with you.

And remember, wear a suit.
You'll look great.

I don't know. . . Lucia?
My cousin's wedding,
she's really annoying.

I have to wear a suit.
I like suits. Like a general
marching on your heart.

-In high heels?
-Like a spit through your heart.

OK, for you.
It's another spit.

I'm not doing this.
It's not me.
