What do you do?
I own a shop downtown
that sells Arab products.
Dates, apricots, wheat. . .
This man is an ancient
talking about things I'd
only read in recipe books.
What am I doing here?
What was I thinking?
I already ordered.
Hope you don't mind.
You are flashy, modern, so
why did you go to an agency?
Maybe because I'm afraid
of ending up alone.
Even being flashy
and modern like you said.
Then you want to marry,
have kids. . .
Don't talk about children
until the ring is on your finger.
This is a nice place.
Thank you.
Very picturesque.
Why did you change the subject
when I mentioned kids?
Because of
that silly manual?
What manual?
Don't worry. I want
to have kids. I love kids.
Imagine old Yunes' grandkids
filling the world.
I want children, too.
There, I said it.