[..which really complicates things.]
[ln the last few months,
Angelo has been having me..]
[..film messages to his daughter.
lt's kinda like he's gettin'..]
[..his life in order,
which kinda makes me nervous,..]
[..like he knows something
l don't.]
Hey, Frankie?
You want me to say..
..something for you? You know,
put in a good word or something?
Please, Angelo, it's gonna
embarrass me, okay?
Come on!
You embarrass too easy.
Frankie, if she ever leaves
that sorry excuse of a husband.
You can't keep doing what you
are doin' for me. Understand?
Now, Frankie, watch out.
For what?
Watch out for the one..
..who feels pain..
..and wants you to know it.
All right.
Turn it on.
You know,
after so many years,..
..it's become like
a pool of memories to me,..
..never knowing
if those memories are real,..
..or if they're simply
what l want to remember.
Because all l have left
to join me to that world is her.
[See, that's what Angelo
had always said..]
[..that she was all he had left.
But that wasn't exactly true..]
[..because, even though l never
made a big deal out of it,..]
[..he also had me. See,
l pretty much loved Angelo..]
[..like you would your own father.]
Come on.
Before we lose 'em.
[So it was hard for me, too,
having to stay invisible..]
[..as her world fell apart,
after she'd given in..]
[..to that husband
and sent their little son off..]
[..to some distant
boarding school.]
l see him! ln the plane!
Rawley! Rawley!
lt wasn't my idea!
l didn't mean to send you away,
baby. Oh, l love you!