Avenging Angelo

..ridiculous heart.
Mom, the food's better
than what we have at home.

Well, l guess it's better
than my cooking, right?

l never really
was too much of a cook.

No! No.
That's good.
lt's great! Really, it is.

Yeah, but, you know, sweetheart,
what l really need to talk..

..to you about is, genetics.
You know, the way things get passed
down through families?

it seems your grandfather.

Well, at least, l still
think he's your grandfather.

Uh, no.
l guess what l'm tryin' to say,
darling, is..

..how are things in the showers?
Okay, the Frankie cooking show
brought to you by Beretta.

- Are you crazy?
- A little.

Nothing. Nothing, darling,
it's just some thunder.

Mom, l gotta go, okay?
Bye, darling. l love you.

So how's your boy?
He couldn't be happier.
l couldn't be lonelier.

You wrecked my kitchen.
- Oh, l'm sorry about the bullet.
Really. - No, l mean this.

Oh, this. This is what happens
when you cook a lot.

- You know, l'm sure your kid
really misses you. - No.

He really doesn't.
l mean, why should he?

He's got a father
who treats him like a dog and..

..a mother who's never had
a clue what to do with her life.

So, tell me the truth.
Somebody else did all this,
right? You're just faking it.

No. No, no, no.
l love cooking,
and l'll tell you what.

Just promise me you'll eat it
before it gets cold.

So Frankie,
what's your nickname?
