Avenging Angelo

Did Angelo....
Did my father
really want to protect me?

Protect you? Your father used
to drive by here on summer nights..

..and watch you go
swimmin' in the moonlight.

Then he'd see you
up in the balcony..

..you know, combing your hair,
talking on the phone to this guy..

..and that and comin' home
from school and kickin' up..

..those leaves
in the dyin' light of fall,..

..and l saw these things, too,
l'm definitely talking too much.

And l was just living my life.
- And you were there.
The whole time. - Yes, ma'am.

- Spying on me.
- Spyin'?

No. l wouldn't say that.
You know, l was watchin',..

..and for your information,
l knew when to turn away.

Did you have anything
to do with Bobby Jordan?

Excuse me?
Bobby Jordan.
Bobby Jordan.
Bobby Jordan.

No. Um,
l can't recall a Bobby Jordan.

l went with him in high school.
He was cheating on me
the whole time.

And l was so crazy about him.
l swear l would have married him.

And, then,
he just got strange, one day.

No! No! No, Frankie!
No, Frankie! No!

He stopped talking to me.
Young guys can go through
this neurotic phase.

Well, it's notjust guys.
- Could l have some more anisette?
- Sure.

What about Polly Peters?
Do you remember her?

No. l've never heard of her.
- Polly Peters. No.
- Well, she was this mean,..

..nasty witch who started
spreading awful stories..

..about me sleeping around.
She was destroying my reputation.

We know the most fragile thing in
the world is a woman's reputation.

lt all stopped,..
..right after this terrible thing
happened to her car.

My car!
