I said he was bright.
I didn't say he was capable
of saving the world.
- Let's run a real test.
- Like what?
Send him up to New York.
Put him in Kevin's apartment.
Let the neighbors, the doorman,
everybody get a look at him.
See if they buy him
as Michael Turner.
Might even serve
a double purpose.
Whoever tried to kill
Kevin as Michael Turner...
probably doesn't know he's dead.
Might still be looking for him.
So we dangle him as bait,
keep him in the dark.
- He'll be protected.
- What do we tell him?
You're giving him a chance
to practice being Kevin.
That's all you need to tell him.
You're the boss.
You see the van
in front of us?
The one behind us?
Those are our guys.
Here's my cell phone number.
Use it if you get
into any kind of trouble.
- What kind of trouble?
- Any kind.
Shark attack?
Call you. All right.
Could you pop the trunk?
Take this.
Get yourself some shoes.
Little punk.
Mr. Turner, welcome back, sir.
Thanks, Jim.
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
How was Europe?
Like another country.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
You could put this on MTV Cribs.
Man, this is dope!
God damn.
So if I paid taxes...
this is where
the money would go, huh?
Could have
a Puffy party in here.