Yeah, we'll be there.
It's Vas.
The deal's on in an hour.
Now your eye.
Now your eye.
Look right into
the computer screen.
Blink for confirmation.
OK, that's it.
All right.
From this point on...
only you will be able
to access your computer.
It won't operate without
your retinal signature......
your eyes... so when they show you
the bomb, connect your laptop...
determine if the bomb
is the real thing...
and take enough time doing it...
so Wells car dowrload
their armirg codes...
ard hopefully
their disarmirg codes...
irto our computer.
Good luck. Mr. Hayes.
We have visual.
You'll do fine.
Everyone's nervous
the first day of school.
I always cut
the first day of school.
Don't worry. You're covered
from every angle.
I can't wait to meet
"The Hammer."
Oh, these guys
must be "The Toolbox."
Should we move in, sir?
No. Not until we're sure
they brought the bomb.
There's too much at stake.
Nice coat.
Gentlemen, are we going
to do business or aren't we?
Depends, Michael.
Where have you been
for the last nine days?
I don't believe
that concerns you.
On the contrary.
It concerns me very much.
We make a deal, you disappear.
Doesn't look good, my friend.