If you handle this badly,
she could blow your cover. OK?
- OK.
- Good.
Just... don't cheat...
just... don't cheat...
just... don't cheat...
just say...
That was Jehovah's Witnesses!
- Just...
- Michael...
I hope you're hungry, baby.
Yeah, I just gotta
go brush my teeth.
Hey! You've reached
the residerce of Pam...
Marvir. Julie. Ard the kids.
Leave a message at the tore.
Julie, it's Jake.
Are you there?
OK, if you haven't left yet,
please wait for me.
Please, please. I got a new job.
It's totally legit.
And I've changed.
I've totally changed.
I'm a new man.
I'm the man who loves you.
I love you. I love you so much.
I didn't even know how much
I loved you till 2 minutes ago.
It's Jake.
- Julie!
- I love him!
No, you don't!
Honey, what's taking you
so long?
Big sacrifices.
Please wait for me.
Please wait for me.
Jake, I heard you.
I heard every word, baby.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'll be right here.
I love you so much! Jake?
RECORDhNG. hf you'd like
to make a call...
Jake? Hello! Jake!
hf you'd like to make a call...
Thank you.
So are you gonna make me grovel?
No, not unless you want to.
Is this fish?
Yeah, of course. You love fish.
That's right. I love fish...