Michael, I've never
seen you like this.
So... open.
So... so in touch
with your feelings.
Like you could really be in love
with a nurse from New Jersey.
You're just much more......
mmm... warm and vulnerable
and funny!
You didn't used
to be funny before.
That's funny "ha ha" funny...
or funny "this milk
tastes funny" funny?
See? That's funny!
You're not Michael Turner.
Jake and Nicole are back.
Yeah, and they've got company.
OK, let's join the party.
I'm Michael.
I don't know who the hell
you think you are...
but you're not Michael Turner.
You gotta believe me.
I'm Michael.
- You're not Michael.
- I'm Michael!
- Come on!
- Aah!
- Who's shooting at us?
- Rival antique dealers!
Oh! Ah! Ah!
Come on!
Come on!
Down here.
I'm sorry I haven't been
totally honest with you.
- So you're not Michael!
- We have the same DNA...
which makes us kinda
the same person.