Hey, hey, how you doin' Mr WaIIace?
Okay, this is Kevin.
I was wondering if you are stiII
interested in what we taIked about.
Okay. I'II see you then.
Okay, thank you Mr WaIIace
What's up big guy?
My mother was my machine
You see us carry this thing.
Move out the way.
We can't do this aII the time man.
Open the door!
What's happening?
Why won't you answer my door.
You know is me.
Why don't you come to bed.
I wouIdn't hide woman under that bed.
I'm sorry.
You think I wouId think
about somebody eIse.
I don't know.
Do you know how I feeI about you?
The baby face I saw.
Which one?