
We need to raise some money
for the shoes.

I need 20 doIIars.
20 doIIars, give it up.
Come on.
You smeII good KeIIy.
Where you going?
You see that attitude?
You can't come in here Iike that.
No, I'm straight.
Who drank my appIe juice?
Oh yeah, you don't hear me?
Who drank my god damn
appIe juice?

Stop cursing,
this ain't death comedy

I put a put ass....
Stop cursing.
I put a big red sign
Do not drink me.
No one drank it,
maybe it evaporated

Maybe I'm gonna sIap you.
Don't get on the bad side.
I wiII...

Is Iike you're taIking about
a bottIe of Henessey

You're taIking about some
funky ass appIe juice

I don't touch no body eIse's stuff...
Jimmy drank your appIe juice.
HoId up.
Why did you touch my appIe juice?
What does that mean?
Did you see me drink it?

I don't have to see you drink it.
You have to have prove.
Did you see me drink it?

I just say did I have to
see you drink it?

What did you see?
I saw you drink it.
Come on.
Let it go.
This ain't the project okay
