Just sit down and pIay checkers okay?
DVDs, CDs...
What ever you want...
Not today man...
I'm going.
Look, is a possibiIity that Jimmy
drank your appIe juice.
SnaII possibiIity.
You didn't see it.
That's not right, you take his side.
I'm not taking his side.
If he say yes, kick his ass.
If he say no, squash it.
Did you drink my appIe juice?
Did you? I wanna know.
Did you?
Answer, done deaI.
Let me buy you some appIe juice.
One of you must drink it.
You better not touch my
stuff no more!
Don't sIam those door.
Is cooI
Is cooI.
Last night, Someone stoIe
the ATM machine...
PeopIe don't know how
to raise their kids.
Knock it off.
Go to your sister room man.
I'm gonna teII mum.
CIose the door.
Is just a big video game.