You got no skiII
You have to pay some respect.
You have to take respect
to gain respect.
Can we taIk in the back?
Be good Eddie.
Kevin, what's going on?
What do you mean?
GeneIIe caIIed me and she said
she saw WaIIace in here.
What does it matter?
You don't do business with
a Ioan shark Iike Mr WaIIace.
Mr WaIIace is not a Ioan shark.
He's just a business man.
Wait, why was he here?
To get a haircut
Kevin, Mr WaIIace was here...
He had to get it faded a IittIe bit
so I just...
Come here, Iet me show you something.
Check it out.
What did you do?
I soId the barber shop.
Kevin, you soId your father's barber
shop to Lester WaIIace?
You know we tried to get the recording
studio off the ground
Recording studio?
Have you fogotten? You aImost eIectrocuted
yourseIf this morning
I made this move for us baby.
This is for us...
TeII me something, why do you make
aII the spontaneous decision
And you get us out of it
I have to think of something
to get the money...