Listen, your grandfather
opened this shop.
He handed down to your father.
And Iefted to you
AII he does is give away free haircut.
He Iet's the barbers in here used the
stationary when ever they wanted to
Pay when ever they want it to.
We're in debt because of that.
Is because of him.
I'm not gonna work my ass
through that
What are they saying?
Something about a money coming back...
He had too much pressure.
You deserve more then this.
I'm trying to give you the worId.
You know I don't need the worId Kevin.
I don't need a house.
Kevin. Listen to this.
This shop has very IittIe debts untiI you
spend it aII on those quick rich scheme
Is my fauIt?
Let me say this is my fauIt?
Yeah, is your fauIt.
How is it my fauIt if I'm trying
to better myseIf?
Wait a minute, I see what this is about.
This is about you,
You know what Kevin.
Think about it.
How couId you seII this pIace?
I met you here.
My father used to came here
every Saturday
He Ioved this pIace.
You used to Iove it too.
What happened?
You know it, this is too much for you.
I stiII can't hear nothing.
Something about Kevin and Mr WaIIace
That is too much Iabour.