I'II put your skinny ass back!
You see that, that's why you can't
handIe business
I'm about to poke you.
I just want the money.
What's my mama code?
Thank you
You're weIcome,
you beautifuI bIack sister
I've got an annoucement to make.
I brought some more appIe juice
and I want nobody in here to drink it.
have some respect and decentacy
for other peopIe's stuff
Why are you Iooking at me for?
Because I know you drank
my appIe juice
Did you see me drink it?
I don't care!
Did you see me drink it?
I'm being reaI nice right now.
Don't touch my appIe juice.
or they wiII be reprecaution
Reprecaution my nuts.
Roast up.
Barber shop?
Terry. is Kevin.
I'm not here.
I'm not here!
I know you heard that.
We aII know she's going run back to him.
She aIways do.
Don't make me crippIe up your ass.
She taught you.
I shouId thank you.
This morning I make
respectabIe of myseIf.
Your words are tied,
I beIieve they were. Stay strong brother