I've toId you 2 to 3 times.
No, Kevin you sit down.
You need to hear it too.
Now, our products wouIdn't
seII to the races
They do nothing but sit there.
No, it was a whoIe Iot of bIack boats.
Doing in jaiI
They did it way over.
AII the different between secretary...
They got aIot pubIicity...
To me you got hatre in your gang.
The bIack peopIe need to stop Iying
3 things bIack peopIe need
to teII the truth.
1 , Ronney King shouIdn't get beaten
growing in hardie
2, oId JD do the bIack hair down.
I'm gonna back you up on this.
He was on the bus back in the day
And he's on the bus now.
What you're saying is not true.
It is wrong and disrespectfuI to discuss
Rose Parker in that way
HoId on, is this the barber shop?
We can't taIk straight in a barber shop
We can't taIk straight no where eIse.
This is a heaIthy conversation.