
So I'm gonna teII mama.
You can't teII nobody about it,
you hear me?

Why not?
Because I said so.
Think about it,
who wiII take care of you?

My mama.
What do I got to do to keep
your mouth shut?

You got to pay.
I just paid you 10$.
I don't care!
Whip her ass.
You don't touch me.
No, don't do that.
Give her some money
That's aII I've got.
That's aII I've got.
You got an ATM machine right here.
Do you see an ATM card in my hand?
Go, go out the room.
Lock the door.
That's how you Iocked the door?
Now we got to take
this some where eIse.

Think of a way to do that.
We can do it the same way we
stoIe it, man, the truck

I've toId you I'd miss
my crazy ass cousin

He come from a broken home.
Last night
Your sister is a demon chiId.
Let me through.
My finger!
My hand!
