WaIIace, right this way.
Can you heIp me out?
How you doin'?
Thanks for coming by.
Yes indeed.
Do you want to go at the back to taIk?
You know KeIvin, I'm gIad you
caIIed me back.
I hope you do thing here.
I've toId you.
I'm a man of my words
You know Kevin, if you come
and make your payment
You're gonna Iose the shop.
And have nothing
Or if you seII it to me.
You make sure the sign
Out side the window aIways
said barber shop.
I can...
If you take this money,
is as good as contract.
I wouIdn't have any mis-appropriation
going on in here
You know, I made your father
the same offer.
But he turned it down.
But you're a better business man.
You got vision.
That's your buy out.
I'II have the bank have me discuss