Hey, Stephanie.
Oh, hey, Ben.
How's it going?
How's your finger?
l'll live.
You have a Band-Aid on it.
lt's a pin prick.
Don't you want to be
a doctor or something?
lf l don't play
pro basketball.
Aren't you a little short?
Only the size
of your heart matters.
That's corny.
What about you?
What do you want to be?
A cop.
Really? Aren't you
a little too short?
Not when l have this.
You're late.
And you're not wearing
a helmet.
Oh. Ben, this is
my boyfriend, Steve.
Steve, this is Ben,
my lab partner.
Oh, yeah.
l have something for you.
What is this?
This isn't even due
until next week.
l had some free time
so l thought that--
We're lab partners.
We're supposed
to do this together.
Give me a call.
We'll meet to do
the assignment.
-Let's go.